While facestalking my ex boyfriend(s) I came across a wall-to-wall conversation between Juju and random chick. She innocently enough asked him what was new in his life. He said he had just ended a relationship and was therefore single, happy and free.
I can accept the single and happy statements. But free? Buddy, I’ll make the Nanking massacre look like a fucking picnic if you dare utter the words “I am now free” in front of me anytime soon. I am not clingy. In fact I get accused of being standoffish more than anything. I didn’t demand commitment from you. I didn’t expect you to marry me. Don’t go around pretending like I had shackled you to me.
I know girls that demand that their boyfriends do this or do that for them. They have this incredible vision of a knight in shining armor. They have lists of things he should do to prove he loves her. Me? All I want is three things:
1. Make out with me
2. Laugh at my lame attempts at humor
3. Tell me I’m pretty
And, at the risk of sounding demanding, if you want bonus marks you can throw in a couple of free meals. It’s neither particularly difficult nor complicated.
What also really pissed me off was that he told random chick we had been going out for four months. It was two. If it was so horrible being with me don’t exaggerate the commitment you made, please.
This could explain his failing mark in Physics though, just saying.