this story involves a textbook, and assignment, and NO LUCK.

Sep 20, 2005 23:19

My university has website where you log in, and it will have all your classes listed with announcements, a message board, and all your class's assignments, tutorials and notes. Mine isn't working. It still has all my summer classes on it.

My structural analysis prof tells us last Friday that assignment #1 is now uploaded. Since he told us this on a Friday, you'd assume that he would give a week to do it, right? Well, Michelle told me yesterday at 4:30 PM that it was due today at 10:00 AM. And not only can I not even figure out what questions I need to do from the textbook for the assignment, I don't yet have the textbook.

I call a friend at home to find out what I have to do. First crises, solved.

So I'm thinking that I'll just run up to the library, and take out the text that's on reserve, and photocopy the questions I need to do, except that my department has my student card because they're programming it for access to the civil computer lab. So I can't take out the book.

I'm able to borrow Jane's student card (the picture's old, so we could pass for each other) and race back up to the library. Not only is the book not there, but my prof never submitted it to the library like he said he did.

Okay. I make my way back to my student council office to my computer so I can check to see if I have the $200 it's going to cost me to buy the damn text, but tuition just went through, and a bunch of people decided to cash the cheques that I wrote them months ago now. So I don't have the money to buy the text.

My friend Steve tells me that he knows I'm good for the money, and he'll buy me the text because he knows I need it. But we go to the bookstore and they're sold out. The next order isn't coming until next week.

So I'm making a list of the people in my class, and who I might be able to phone, drive to their house, get the book, photocopy the pages that I need, and make it back to campus by 6:30 PM so I can do my 3 hour shelving shift at the library, when I realize that my friend Michelle is still on campus so she can go to an information session about the concrete toboggan competition. I call her, but her phone doesn't have reception. So I race down to where the meeting is, and burst in right as the meeting is about to start.

"Michelle! Do you still have your structural text on campus?"
"Yeah, it's up in the student council office."

So it was there, the entire time, right in front of my nose. I was able to finish the assignment by 9:45 AM this morning. I think I spent more time looking for the text and worrying about it than I actually spent doing the assignment.

If this is the way my term is going to be, I think I should just crawl under my covers and wait for it to end. Very bad few hours, but the story at the end was kind of fun.
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