Good bye Ruby Tuesdays

Feb 24, 2009 20:09

The 15th of March will be my last day at Ruby's. My last Sunday on the bar. My last time dealing with that fucking hell hole.
I've been all theory and no action for a year+ and now today things are moving in a different direction.
I'll be working with a hardcore Italian family straight out of NY. B.A!! No more Corporate.
Della Ventura's the awesome pizzaria down the street from me is expanding because business is booming!
It will be so amazing to get out of the corporate world! Finally all the places I work will be private owned and operated. Also, since they are hardcore Catholics, no work on Sundays or Mondays. I'll have a set schedule for waiting and I'll also be the Expo. HELL YEAH.
Oh god, I just can't wait to give those pricks at Ruby's my 2 weeks notice.
Got a perfect score on my movie review for Triumph des Willens.
It's funny that even though I'm having such a hard time to want to go to class, and want to pay attention, it's all coming together quite well. I love when I get in tornado mode. Juggling everything on my plate, is refreshing at times...but I could use a break. If I would only warm up, I could hit up the mountains.

I'll tell you what is not fun though. Mom. Lordy lordy. That lady. Since she was laid off, she is just the worst Debbie downer. She doesn't give two shits about anything good I'm doing. All I hear from her is 'How's your money? Don't forget you have work/school! Remember your bills'. I just want to strangle her and tell her get up off her ass. I'm the only fucking person in the house with a job right now. It's hard for me to respect her right now.

Alright off to type out my two weeks notice, and study for Anthropology.

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