
Jan 21, 2007 14:59

guau...sometimes things spiral out of control.
not really actions,
not really words,
just emotions.
they start and they don't stop.
they keep spinning 'round until they make me dizzy...
sick to my stomach...
and keep spinning until I feel like I may just puke.
what's most annoying is that sometimes I don't know where they come from.
i just wake up and they're there.
like the presence in the room you just can't ignore.
you don't know why it's there
and you don't know what it wants,
nor what it's trying to tell you.
it just is...this nagging thing that won't leave you alone.
then one second it disappears.
for no reason
(or at least what seems like for no reason).
those sneaky bastards.
fuck 'em.
next time they come around I won't just try to ignore them...
I'll deal with them, or something.
it's freezing.....geeezus
I know what I'm getting jeff for valentine's day.
I should write it down just so I don't forget, butttt....
I don't know where I could do that because he's mr. snoopy and would probably find it!
bueno, ya voy a acordar.
my deditos are freezing off so I guess I'll be done with this entry.
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