May 04, 2005 17:03
Is it just me or has this week been taking forever? oh well...its more than half-way done.
i haven't given any kind of update in quite a while! we go! LoL FRIDAY!...oh so very long ago..i went out to dinner with my mommy and grandmommy. after dinner, i got together with angie, patrick, justin and julie and we all went mini golfing. we all suck but it was still tons of fun!
saturday i had to get up and go to work where my voice was ruined as a result of being sick and talking at the register for 7 hours LoL after work, i met up with brandon and we went out to dinner! (QUIZ!!!!...what meal did i get both times at dinner? hehe if you know me at all you should know this) after dinner we stopped at blockbuster to get a movie....sooo we came back here and watched it and hung out :-)
sunday i had a mandatory meeting at work 9-11...and then since i live close i had to go back and close 3-7:30..LoL loong day! buut i got to work with pat so it wans't all that bad
monday...more school, more work. but i stopped in at modells before i had to go to work soo that brightened up my day a little bit :-) hehe gee i wonder what could have been at modells that would cheer me up....
yesterday was one of the best days because i got to meet little kaitlyn!!! angie's sister had her second baby on sunday, and after school angie and i stopped over her house to see her. she's soooo adorable. i love her!
today was nothing special...tomorrow is senior cut day, but since i love my angela cardone oh so very much i'm going to school to see her project! i'm also going to try to get out of first period to see my wa-e go!! should be a nice day with so many people missing.
alrighty well thats all i've got! hehe you know you love me and my long pointless entries! <3
oh yea...i love my brother...he's amazing and somehow got the new DMB cd on the computer even though it doesnt come out till tuesday. woohoo!!