So after reading
dreaming_danis post about a piano video (which was beautiful by the way) I remembered I am suppose to be finding new music that I'll need to play for my IB music class. Songs adding up to 15 minutes to be exactly. Idkay what exactly I'm looking for but I'll trust you guys to help me~
No I mean PLEASE HELP ME I'M BEGGING YOU That's right, how can you turn down the great I's request?
Let me make this shiny and call it a...
Any kind of music in any genre is fine~ Hopefully you'll have a link to a video or maybe a music download. If not I should be able to find it myself so no worries :D.
Also nothing to hard that will make me hang myself though thank you, thank you.
I love you all♥
Edit: You may ignore my wifey spazzing. She loves me =w=.