➜So today was a pretty awesome day~ must be because it's tuesday.
➜I got my Bakemonogatari
Set from Toylet today :D. They're adorable although I have to say Good Smile Companys quality control can be better. Getting these beautiful took forever though =A=. The store moved again and well...
It's a house now O.o. We took forever circling around the place wondering where the hell the store was and we needed up at a old-ish looking house. After making sure it was the address we then went to knock and well...no answer.
We weren't even sure if it was the right place but I saw an anime plushie on the car parked in the lot so I was sure. That was when they drove up. 5 of the guys in a little car. They didn't even ask for my order number and handed over my set. Pffft. Well whatever.
➜So my Black Rock Shooter figure isn't coming >:.They ran out due to popular demand. I ordered it in May 2009...;;;.
...Should I settle for the latest one of hers? I'm still debating since I kinda already paid my dads friend and doesn't really want to have to ask for my money back. It's the same price so...We'll see. Oi, if so it means I have to wait until October.
➜I'm still nervewrecked over school...Yeah. That's it. But we turned in our essay for English so I feel free. xD;;