What is with me and thinking of this stuff best at 2 in the morning?
So thanks to my semi I'll pick from wherever to start reading canon review I picked up on a few other things. It doesn't clash into my
old theory though so it seems I'll be sticking to this theory for quite sometime now.
Now...I have a few questions:
I was reading Cheshires Arc when I noticed that Jack tend to separate Alice into two different people. Obviously because there is Alyss and Alice but still I find it weird since it is used at specific times. During the time when he is talking to Oz to something he would mention that Alice is a very important person to him and he will continue using Alice except in two panels:
Well both times he was mentioning Alice from pre-tragedy or during the tragedy whatever...but Alice is still Alice either way. Even then when Jack mentions "that girl" the second time he wasn't exactly talking to anyone but himself. Why so distant?
I'm also confused on how Cheshire seemed to be protecting Alice the whole time when he's sided with the Will of the Abyss. I don't get it, but there really isn't enough information for me to even put that question out there so...yeah ;;;.
I think the concept of the Will of the Abyss is still too weird for me to grasp with her personality changes...but then again the Will was like that before the tragedy happened and the two Alices will still switch places all the time. Now, the Will is one person and to me she is "stably insane". Like no innocent cute Will anymore....Yeah. That's what I mean...