Please vote my try on the Lover Theme in Hetalia_Rate if you joined the comm! Today's Rant:
First! UMINEKO IS AWESOME. Maria is so cute and Battler is pretty handsome. Maybe I should add them in my harem in AOI? *kicked*
NENDOROID REIMU. DO WANT. DO WANT. Even if I'm not into Touhou.
Third! I want to play The Sims 3....It is good? Do I have to
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Sampe aku taruh tuh majalah di samping monitor saat ini, gambar covernya bagus sih. Lumayan buat pengganti poster.
Tuh Sims 3 udah release, y? XD Coba cari deh full ver.-na lalu di DL. X3
Eh, gw baru tau klo Nvidia tuh bisa di-install. Gw kira komponen komputer dari sananya. ^^a
Sims 3 gede uy, males DL nya. tapi coba dulu deh, thx~
Klo ngga salah itu program nya buat yang ngga ada graphic cardnya, pernah dapet tapi ngga bisa, ato jangan2 untuk yang ada graphic card nya?! ngga tau juga sih.
Gw ga ada Nvidia, sih. Apa perlu, y? D8
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