All pattern lists in this database were kindly created by
labrynthos notes:
A few weeks back, there was a request in the
egl community for a listing of patterns found in the Gosu Rori magazine. I've compiled lists for the Handmade Gosu Rori, and Gosu Rori volumes 4-7 (should acquire 2 and 3 sometime soon). I'm going to post them here, one per day so they can go into the database.
The purpose is for a quick reference for those who just want to see a list. Not everything shown in a model shot is included in the patterns.
I've built my list with the Pattern Number, Style, and Pieces for which there are patterns. Also included in the list are the various decor and accessory patterns offered (depending upon the issue), and the Step-by-Step tutorials or other pattern related material. Once all styles are identified(see below) I can come back and edit the post with a Summary of items.
Note about Styles
If there is a question mark by the Style name, that means that I would appreciate input to better discern the style. If a poster makes a good case for what they think the style is then I can easily edit this post. By "good case" I mean "this outfit is Aristocrat due to the use of blah blah and the silhouette is blah blah" and not "I win at Rorita and am always right!" I would prefer to avoid large debates on whether or not a particular outfit is "Sweet" or "Classic" or whatever. There are just some outfits that seem to pick up elements of more than one "style" and can be a little confusing. I also lump all the "uniform" outfits into one category with a specification: Maid, Sailor, Schoolgirl, etc b/c that's one of those things that somebody might be specifically looking for.
If you are unfamiliar with Gosu Rori and would like to learn more about how to use it, check out
batty chan's awesome explanation/walk-through.
Handmade Gosu Rori:
# style - items for which there are patterns
1 ???? - Blouse, Skirt
2 Classic? - Blouse Skirt
3 Goth Loli? - Blouse, JSK, Katyusha* Bag*
4 Classic? - Headdress, Blouse, JSK
5 Goth Loli? - Corset, Blouse, Skirt
6 Sweet - One Piece
7 Sweet - Camisole, Blouse, Skirt
8 Sweet - Blouse (2 Sleeve Option), JSK, Katuysha
9 Goth Loli - Shirt, Skirt
10 Goth Loli - Blouse, Skirt, Choker
11 Sweet - One Piece
12 Sweet - One Piece, Apron
13-14 Uniform/Maid - Headdress, One-Piece, Apron
15 Classic - One Piece, Petticoat, Mini Hat
16 Classic? - One Piece, Bonnet
17 Kodona? - Shirt, Pants, Necktie
18 Kodona/Punk - Skirt, Shirt, Pants, Necktie
19 Goth Loli - Blouse, Skirt, Choker, Belt
20 Goth Loli - Petticoat, One Piece, Choker
21 Sweet - One Piece, Bonnet
22 Sweet - Blouse, Skirt, Headdress
23 ????? - Blouse, Underskirt, Headdress, Skirt
24 Aristocrat? - One Piece, Underskirt
25 ????? - Blouse, Skirt, T-Shirt
26 Classic - One Piece, Drawers*, Headdress, Cape
27 Classic - One Piece, Ribbon*
28 Classic - Bolero, Bustier, Skirt
29 Round Bag
30 Heart Bag
31-36 Socks (Ribbons, Garters and other modifications to pre-existing socks)
37-46 Chokers and Straps (cellphone)
47-50 Neckties
51-54 Headdresses (flat type)
55-57 Headdresses (round type)
58-62 Katyuushas
63-65 Barrettes
66-69 Hair Goms
** There are 3 different Pannier patterns located on page 104
G&L Sewing:
(Step-by-Step Tutorial)
Blouse - Pattern 2
Skirt - Pattern 1
Gosu Rori Volume One:
Gosu Rori Volume Two:
Gosu Rori Volume Three:
# style - items for which there are patterns
1-2 Sweet - One Piece, Ribbon Comb
3 Uniform/Sailor - One Piece, Necktie
4 Uniform/Sailor - One Piece, Necktie
5 Uniform/Maid - One Piece, Apron, Katyusha
6-7 Uniform/Nurse - One Piece, Nurse Cap
8 Sweet - JSK
9-10 Sweet - One Piece, Hair Gom
11-12 Goth Loli - One Piece, Choker
13 Goth Loli - One Piece, Katyusha, Glove Cuffs
14-15 Kodona - Blouse, Pants
16 Kodona - Blouse, Pants, Ribbon Tie
17-18 Punk - Blouse, Pants, Skirt
19 Aristocrat - Blouse, Skirt, Veil
20 Aristocrat - Blouse, Skirt
21 Wa Loli - Blouse, Corset, Skirt, Panier
22-24 Chandelier Chokers
25-26 Chandelier Necklaces
27 Rose Ring
28 Rose Pin Brooch
29 Rose Brooch
30 Thorn Choker
31 Gothic Wristband
32 Lace Wristband
33 Cross Ear Hook
34 Charm Bracelet
35 Chain Necklace
36-37 Beads Bracelet
38 Heart Pierce
39-40 Sweet - Blouse, Skirt, Ribbon Comb
41 Sweet - Blouse, Skirt, Bag
42 Goth Loli - Blouse, Skirt, Comb
43 Goth Loli - Blouse, Skirt
44-45 Aristocrat - Blouse, Skirt
46-47 Kodona/Punk - Blouse, Pants, Mini Crown
48 Sweet - JSK, Mini Hat
49 Sweet - Skirt, Bag, Ribbon Comb
50 Punk - Blouse, Skirt
51 Sweet - One Piece
52 Sweet - One Piece, Headdress
53 Sweet - One Piece, Headdress
54 Goth Loli - Blouse, Skirt, Headdress
55 Goth Loli - One Piece
56 Goth Loli - Headdress
57 Goth Loli - Choker
58-60 Wa Loli - Kimono
Gosu Rori Volume Four:
# style - items for which there are patterns
1 Aristocrat - Mantel, Cape
2-3 Wa Loli - One Piece, Corset
4 Sweet - Blouse, Skirt, Crinoline
5 GothLoli - Skirt, Crinoline
6-7 Sweet - One Piece, Petticoat
8 Punk - Blouse, Skirt, Overshirt, Gloves, Collar
9-10 Punk - Pants, Blouse, Necktie
11 Sweet - Cape, Blouse, Skirt, Comb
12 Sweet - Coat (with Rabbit ears), Skirt
13 Sweet - One Piece, Blouse, Vanity Bag, Mini Hat
14 Uniform/School Girl - Blouse, JSK, Necktie
15 Sweet - One Piece, Choker, Mini Hat
16 Classic - Coat, Spare Collar
17 Classic - JSK, One Piece
18 Sweet - Apron, One Piece
19 Sweet - Jacket
20 Skirt - Skirt
21 Sweet - Coat
22 Princess - Dress
23 Princess - Dress, Underskirt
24 Loli - Tote Bag
25 Loli - Purse w/Chain & Clasp
26 Loli - "Pouch" (Clutch w/Clasp)
27 Goth - Tote
28 Goth - Purse
29 Goth - "Pouch" (Clutch)
30 Loli - Plushie Purse (Rabbit)
31 Goth - Plushie Purse (Rabbit)
32 Sweet - One Piece
33 Uniform/Sweet - Skirt, Necktie, Blouse
34 Kodona/Punk - Pants, Jacket
35 Sweet - One Piece
36 Classic - Blouse
37 Deconstruct - One Piece, Choker
38 Sweet - One Piece, Bonnet, Bag
39 Sweet - One Piece, Headdress
40 Classic - Corset, Skirt
41 Super Dollfie BJD - Shirt, Pants, Skirt, Necktie, Belt, Wristband
42 Super Dollfie BJD - One Piece, Drawers, Bonnet, Choker, Panier
43 Classic - Skirt
44 Sweet - Skirt
45 Sweet - JSK
*** Pannier 4 Kinds - Directions/Patterns in Back of book (page 142-143)
Iron Transfers, Pattern 45
G&L Sewing:
(Step-by-Step Tutorial)
One Piece, Pattern 26
Gosu Rori Volume Five:
# style - items for which there are patterns
1 Sweet - One Piece, Bonnet
2 Sweet - One Piece, Skirt, "Child's Hat," Underskirt
3 Sweet - Blouse, Underskirt, Overskirt, Skirt, Katyusha
4 Sweet - Blouse, Underskirt, Skirt, Headdress
5 Sweet - Blouse (2 Sleeve Options), Skirt, Hairpiece, Choker
6 Sweet - Blouse (2 Sleeve Options), One Piece, Headdress
7 Kodona/Punk - Jacket, Blouse, Pants, Over Skirt
8 Kodona - Jacket, Blouse, Pants
9 Punk - Shirt, Pants, Leg Warmers, Belt, Arm Covers, Suspenders, Blouse, Skirt, Necktie
10 Punk - Blouse, Skirt, Necktie
11 Goth Loli - One Piece, Corset, Drawers, Underskirt, Bonnet
12 Goth Loli - One Piece, Skirt, Scarf, Comb
13 Sweet - Jacket, Blouse, Skirt, Mini Hat
14 Sweet - Jacket, Skirt, Bag, Necktie, Hairband, Blouse
15 Aristocrat - Coat
16 Classic - Bolero, One Piece
17 Goth Loli - JSK, Blouse, Headdress
18 Sleepwear - Babydoll, Ribbon Choker
19-20 Sleepwear - **No page # listed for pattern, and I can't find one in the book, seems like it's a special design that can be bought from BTSSB** (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I just can't find it and there is no page listed...)
21 Wa Loli - One Piece, Corset
22 Wa Loli - Blouse, Headdress, Skirt
23 Wa Loli - One Piece
24-26 Wa Loli - Skirt, Obi (帯)
27 Sweet - JSK, Katyusha
28 Punk - Blouse, Skirt
29-31 Decor - Candle Wraps
32-33 Decor - Pillow Cases
34 Decor - Frilly Picture Stand
35 Decor - "Box Curtains" (Mini Curtains for Shelving/Nightstand)
36 Decor - "Cover" (Basket Skirt)
37 Decor - "Interior V(B)aru" (インテリアバル), no clue what this is. It looks like a centerpiece.
38 Decor - Gothic Mirror
39-40 Decor - Coffin Pillows
41-42 Decor - Gothic Boxes
43-44 Decor - Gothic Bottles
45 Lolita Wedding Dress - Headdress, Collar, Blouse, Bracelet, Earring, Choker ,Skirt
46 Gothic Wedding Dress - One Piece, Collar, Piercing, Necklace, Headdress, Rosary
** Pannierx4 (4 different kinds of pannier, they are the first set of patterns in the Pattern Direction section)
Beading, Iron Transfers, Nail Art. - Patterns 24-26
Step by Step Tutorial
Panier, Headdress, Bonnet, Drawers, Corset - Patterns 27 and 28
Gosu Rori Volume Six:
# style - items for which there are patterns
1 Dandy - Coat
2 Punk - One Piece, Pants, Wristbands
3 Sweet - Blouse (2 sleeve options), JSK, Drawers, Headband
4 Sweet - One Piece, Headdress
5 Sweet - JSK, Blouse, Headband
6 Sweet - One Piece, Bonnet
7 Wa Loli - One Piece, Obi (帯)
8 Wa Loli - Under One Piecex2, Over One Piece, Panier, Headdress
9 Classic - Coat
10 Classic - Mantel, Jacket, Skirt, Muff Purse, Beret
11 Classic - One Piece, Underskirt, Choker, Bracelet, Hat (トーク)
12 Classic - Blouse, JSK, Comb
13 Kodona - Pants, Blouse, Vest, Hat
14 Kodona - Pants, Hat, Shirt, Bow
15 Classic - One Piece, Hairband
16 Uniform/Schoolgirl - Blouse, Necktie, Skirt, Dog Purse
17 Goth Loli - Over Dress, One Piece, Corsage
18 Antique - One Piece, Drape, Corset, Headdress, Dress
19 Sweet - (4 different oufits coordinating w/same Skirt and Blouse),
Blouse, Skirt, Bustier, Overskirt, Spare Collar, Mini Hat,
One Piece, Hairband
20 Punk - Shirt, Necktie, Skirt, Hat, Overskirt, Leg Warmers, Spare Collar
21-22 Sweet - Skirt, Jumper (NOT JSK, it's a hoodie), Cat Tail, Blouse
**both Blouse and Jumper have hoods with cat ears**
23-24 Wa Loli - Headdress, Obi (帯), Shigoki (しごき), Kyotsu Obi (共通帯),
Kyotsu Kimono (共通着物)
25 Aristocrat - Hat, Pants, Blouse, Vest
26 Aristocrat - Corset, Blouse, Skirt
27 Uniform/Schoolgirl - Vest, Mini Hat, Skirt, Blouse
28 Uniform/Schoolgirl - Blouse, Jacket, Skirt, Headdress
29-30 Pullip BJD - Panier, Skirt, Long Muff, Headdress, Spare Collar,
Blouse, Corset, Bustle
31 Haruka BJD - Pants, Blouse, Collar, Belt, Socks
32 Haruka BJD- Choker, One Piece, Underskirt, Socks, Katyusha
33-36 Ribbon Hair Goms
37-38 Ribbon Hair Pieces
39 Bracelet
40 Cake Bag **shaped like a cake wedge**
41 Eye Patch w/Chain
42 Bat Ring
43 Choker + Chain + Wristband
44-45 Frill Collar
46-47 Arm Cover
48 Sweet - JSK, Headdress
49 Sweet - Blouse, Katyusha, JSK
50 Choker + Bracelet
51 Hairpin
52 Ring
53 Pierce
54 Ring
55 Pierce
56 Hairpin
57 Necklace
58 Necklace
** 2 types of Pannier on page 69
Step by Step Tutorial:
Skirt, Blouse, Hoodie, Cat Tail - Patterns 21 and 22
Gosu Rori Volume Seven:
Special Note GR 7 changed up the patterns, so an entire outfit (ex. a JSK, with Bonnet and a Blouse) will be patterns 1-3 (JSK is 1, Bonnet is 2, etc) Some outfits will use a piece from another outfit as well.
# style - items for which there are patterns
1-3 Goth Loli - Parka, Pleated Skirt, Underskirt
4-8 Punk Loli - Choker, Blouse, Wristband, Overskirt, Pants
9 Aristocrat - Coat
10-12 Aristocrat - Blouse, One Piece, Petticoat
13-15 EGL - Mini Hat, Choker, One Piece
16-19 Aristocrat - Choker, Blouse, Corset, Skirt
20 EGL - One Piece
21-24 EGL - Katyusha, Blouse, One Piece, Under Skirt
25-27 Goth Loli - Headdress, Blouse, Skirt
28-30 Goth Loli - Headdress, Blouse, Skirt
31-32 Goth Loli - Blouse, Skirt
33-38 Sweet - Ribbon Comb, Choker, Over Dress, Apron, Under Skirt, Drawers
39-41 Sweet - Ribbon Comb, Blouse, JSK
42-44 Sweet - Ribbon Comb, Blouse, JSK
45-46 Sweet - Blouse, JSK
47-48 Classic - Blouse, JSK
49-53 Goth Loli - Mini Hat, Choker/Collar, Blouse, Vest, Skirt
54-56 Wa Loli - Bolero, Blouse, JSK
57-60 Ero Loli - Headdress, Choker, One Piece, Garter Belt
61-62 Punk - Skirt, Skirt (yes two skirts)
63-64 Punk - Skirt, Skirt
65-68 Goth Loli - Headdress, Blouse, Bag, JSK, Cape, Skirt
71 Sweet - Handkerchief (Needlepoint)
72 Goth Loli - Handkerchief (Needlepoint)
73 Sweet - Clutch/Purse (Needlepoint)
74 Sweet - Mini Clutch/Change Purse (Needlepoint)
75 Choker w/Wristband
76 Lace Cuffs
77 Leg Covers
78 Leg Covers
79 Chain Gloves
80 Lace Tote Bag
81 Shoulder Bag
82 Crown Necklace
83 Crown Pierce
84-86 Wa Loli - JSK, Ribbon Comb, Corsage
87-88 Wa Loli - Kimono/One Piece, Corset
** Pannierx6 (6 different versions)