I hired Jane Smiley...

Dec 25, 2016 16:55

… to write my travelogue.

I never reported on my trip to Ireland this summer -- my version would have had a lot more stress and grumbling about jet-lagged children, the difficulties of navigating Irish roads, and the omnipresence of dairy in Irish cuisine. (At more than one restaurant I ended up eating plain poached chicken on green salad, though I also had some excellent fish and chips in other places and amazing vegan salads at Cornucopia in Dublin.)

So it is good that you get to enjoy Jane Smiley's version instead, in the New York Times. She covers the first three days of our trip: we went to every place pictured in the story, and nearly every place listed. I even bought my mother a sheep Christmas ornament from the same place that Jane bought one.

In other news, I hope that everyone celebrating a winter festival this week is having a lovely time!

This entry was originally posted at http://loligo.dreamwidth.org/469979.html.
comments on that entry. Comments on Dreamwidth preferred.


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