75% of the way through Kings Rising

Feb 26, 2016 11:49

I have some fears about the end of the book. Feel free to spoil me on this particular point.

I am very much afraid that Laurent is going to die heroically and tragically at the end, leaving Damen to rule their two kingdoms. If that happens, I will (a) set fire to something, and (b) quite possibly return my first ebook ever for a refund.

For years now everyone has been talking about these books like they're romances, but I see that the author did not choose to categorize them in romance. So I can't actually claim that we were promised a Happily Ever After. And the series has already switched genres before, starting out like sexy slave fic and then turning into novels of court intrigue and swashbuckling. So who's to say the author might not switch to Greek tragedy by the end?

Look, I read Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles and I admired it greatly. I am perfectly capable of reading books where sad things happen. But I need to be able to choose when and how I read those books. We've all had 2800 years of spoilers that Achilles dies at the end, so I went in well-prepared.

My life is pretty much made of suck right now and there is no way I would have spent the hours I've spent reading this series this week if I had had any suspicion going in that they might not be romances.

So I need to know: Is Laurent alive or dead at the end of the book?

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