insert Shakespearean quote here

Dec 01, 2011 13:57

Having finally caught up on Fringe (yay!), I am now Netflixing Slings & Arrows, about which I have two things to say:

(1) Paul Gross is truly incandescent, isn't he? Why isn't he on my TV every day? All the time?

(2) So the New Burbage Shakespeare Festival is based on the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, which the senior English classes at my high school attended every year, driving all the way from Grand Rapids, MI. My year, we saw Cymbeline, starring... (wait for it)... Martha Burns and Colm Feore! I did not actually recognize Martha Burns as Ellen (nor did I know she was married to Paul Gross until I just googled her). But Colm Feore as Iachimo made a big impression on me, and I think of that play every time I see him in something. I understand he will be in the second season of S & A, and now I'm curious who else I might have seen in that production who'll be appearing on S & A -- but I can't find a program online anywhere. The Festival web page has a list of past productions, but I can't seem to find more details about the productions, which is odd. (Oh, but it turns out that John Neville was the artistic director that year! I know that he was so much more, but to me he will always be Well-Manicured Man. RIP, John Neville.)

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