spoil me for Downton Abbey, PLEASE

Jan 12, 2011 15:33

So I started watching it on PBS on Sunday, and I got so hooked that I have acquired the UK episodes and I'm burning through them quickly, but I don't think my heart can take much more of this! I like these people so much! And there is so much goddamn suspense! Seriously, I can't think of anything else I've seen recently that is *so* good at the whole "waiting for the shoe of DOOM to drop" thing. I've been watching five minutes at a time, and then I get so nervous I have to turn it off and go do something else. I'm halfway through episode five.

So, if anything permanently, irreparably awful happens to anyone, particularly the servants (except Tom the Footman and O'Brien, who can go DIAF), could you warn me in comments, so that I can prepare myself? Temporary awful I don't need warnings for, as long as things have improved by the end of the season for the character in question.

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