So what did my daughter do when she found a dead crayfish floating in the marsh today? Why, she did what any self-respecting seven year-old would do: she set up a restaurant in the pergola and forced her little brother to be the customer! (No, she did not actually try to get him to eat the deceased crustacean. She just wanted him to sit there and pretend and be appreciative.)
She wrote "Sea Food" on a board with sidewalk chalk, and served the crayfish over a bed of violet leaves on a cinder block table, and even decorated her tablescape with a daffodil in a peanut butter jar bud vase.
Why do I never think to get my camera in time? All the decor will still be there tomorrow, but I'm assuming the entree will be long gone. Squeaky was creeped out by the crayfish and kept inching away from the table until Chuckles finally gave up and let him go, but as soon as Andy got home today, Squeaky insisted that he had to go out and see the Sea Food Restaurant, so I think he was secretly impressed.
In other wildlife news, our dog tangled with a possum tonight, and after lying there for almost half an hour the possum finally got up and tried to walk away, but collapsed almost immediately. Several more attempts ended the same way, so a leg injury seems likely. So I put the possum in a nest of towels in a cardboard box on our porch. If it's still there in the morning, it's off to the local wildlife rehabilitator.
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