Spring is here!

Mar 16, 2010 08:36

Not officially, no, and the weather's only been in the 40's the past few days, and it's been cloudy, but still... there's something about the angle of the light and the smell of the earth that says Spring!, and I have my annual spring fever.

I used to get it something fierce in Michigan. It's the closest I've ever been to manic -- which still wasn't close *at all*, but I am chronically so sluggish, it's really noticeable when suddenly I CAN'T SIT STILL. In college it would hit during midterms, and all my friends in the dorm would be studying studying studying (I lived on an Honors College hall) and I'd be jumping around saying, "Who wants to go for a walk with me? Let's go check out the Arboretum! Let's go get ice cream!" So I would go walk for hours, fast fast fast, out into the neighborhoods where professors lived so I could see the crocuses in their gardens, and it was still cold enough out that my nose would run and my fingertips would freeze, but it was Spring!

Spring fever has been much more moderate since I moved to warmer climes (Seattle, Washington DC, here in the southern reaches of the Midwest...) but I still notice it. It also happens to fill me with love for all humanity -- so have a great big hug from me, gentle readers! You are awesome, and it is spring! And if it's not spring where you live, you're still awesome, and it will be spring *someday*!

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