Book spoils

Jun 04, 2009 22:25

For the curious, the full list is here (under the June 4 tag). I had no intention of buying so many books; it's not a very good store, and I only go there a couple times a year and usually walk out with just five or six books. But this time the selection was ridiculously good. I wonder if they recently bought somebody's whole collection?

A few comments:

(1) My copy of Sign of the Labrys has the adorably misogynist cover copy that
coffeeandink quotes here, although she skips the FRESH! IMAGINATIVE!! INVENTIVE!!! at the end.

(2) Michelle Sagara's Cast in Courtlight does not say anywhere on the cover that it is the second book in a series. I HATE THAT. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT. Sagara has another pen name, right? Could somebody remind me what it is?

(3) Speaking of pen names, Ann Halam is someone else, too, right? And who would that be?

(4) I can't believe I got five of the first seven volumes of xxxHolic for $3 a piece. Alas, the first volume was not among them, so they do me no good at the moment.

(5) I did get the first volume of Yami no Matsuei, but the only other volume they had was the fourth, so that's not going to get me very far, either.

ETA: (6) The Lord Dunsany collection includes "How Nuth Would Have Practiced His Art Upon the Gnoles", and Margaret St. Clair includes "The Man Who Sold Rope To Gnoles". I'm assuming there is a connection?

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