nests a-plenty

May 29, 2009 10:31

On a whim, I bought one of those Topsy-Turvy tomato planters. It was only $10, and the upper level of our deck gets relatively decent sun (compared to the rest of the yard) and already has a couple of those tall shepherd's-crook style hooks bolted to it.

I just looked out the window and saw that a pair of Carolina wrens has decided that the top opening where you pour in the water would be a lovely predator-resistant place to build a nest. They're so cute, and the planter is only five feet from our bay window so we get a perfect view of their all their doings... I might just write off that tomato plant and let them have the planter for the summer. I know that male house wrens build several trial nests before finalizing their selection -- I don't know if Carolinas do the same, but *both* parents are working on this one, so I assume they're in it for good.

In other nest-building news, we've seen four turtles in our yard in the past week (three snapping turtles and one red-eared slider), and one of the snappers has laid eggs in our herb garden. We haven't actually seen the eggs, but she dug a pit and spent a couple hours there with her shell tipped back, and then filled in the pit, so I assume the eggs are there. I hope the local raccoons don't find them!

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