That Top Ten Ships meme

May 26, 2009 15:11

I'm too lazy to go find the boilerplate, but it was all over my reading list this morning....

I think my Top Ten list shows some pretty clear patterns in my preferences:

(1) Mulder/Scully (X-Files)
(2) Shepherd/McKay (SGA)
(3) Buffy/Spike (before BTVS season 7, anyway)
(4) John/Aeryn (Farscape)
(5) Peter/Harriet (Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries)
(6) Veronica/Logan (Veronica Mars)
(7) Duncan/Methos (Highlander)
(8) Ivan/Byerly (Vorkosigan series)
(9) C.J./Toby (West Wing -- alas, once Toby had kids with his ex-wife, this starting hitting my adultery squick, even though they weren't married anymore)
(10) Snape/Lupin (Harry Potter)

There you have it: Het romances, mostly canonical, that tend toward the "epic", as Logan put it once, and slash romances (non-canonical but supported by heavy-duty subtext in most cases) that veer between "buddy" mode and "opposites attract" mode and feature guys who aren't exactly young anymore. If I added more list items, it would be Alexiel/Lucifer from Angel Sanctuary, which TOTALLY fits the pattern, and either Josh/Sam or Josh/Donna from West Wing -- a case where I was torn between my two patterns!

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