Okay, okay, I'm trying as fast as I can to catch up with SPN! I just watched Sex & Violence last night (many thanks to the flister-who-shall-remain-nameless for sharing the gorgeous, high-quality files!) but you all jumped *another* episode ahead last night. Argh!
As for Sex & Violence,
Okay, I give up. I have spent the past four years being creeped out and saddened by Wincest, not from some general objection to fictional sibling incest, but because it was wrong, specifically, for *them*. It was Something Wicked that did it: Dean's feelings for Sam were just WAY too parental for me to imagine them f*cking. The Dean in my head would rather have cut his arm off.
Four seasons of incredible fannish creativity and squee did not change my mind. THE SHOW'S F*CKING WRITERS CHANGED MY MIND. I just... I didn't *want* to have my mind changed, you know? I was totally happy in my non-Wincest zone! But the writers have systematically stripped away all the factors making Wincest implausible and OOC to me, starting with John's death and going on from there. On an emotional level, S & V was specifically about how that protective/trusting dynamic in their relationship is long dead. On a biochemical level, well, okay, first I have to laugh at the oxytocin explanation, because massive doses of oxytocin would probably affect people much like massive doses of Ecstasy -- and it's hard to beat someone to death when you are [sparkly] filled with love for all humanity! [/sparkly] But after the siren dies, here we've got Sam and Dean, bandaging each other's wounds and wishing there were some way to bandage their relationship, and their blood is still coursing with adrenaline from the fight, and just, this love, all this love.... I'm sorry. Speaking here as someone who really doesn't want Sam & Dean to sleep together, I still think it's more likely than not that they had sex that night.
Wincest is now canon, as far as I'm concerned. Damn.