oh, you cannot be serious

Mar 16, 2009 08:13

Okay, after reading coverage of the series on AfterElton.com, I retract somewhere between one-half to one-third of my squee over Kings. Because, hello television producers, THE SLASH IS CANON. One can argue over whether David and Jonathan were gay in the modern conception of the term, but one *cannot* deny that their relationship possessed the homosocial intensity that we in fandom refer to as "slashiness".

I never assumed that they would go with a full-on gay relationship on the show, but I had been assuming that the relationship would be close and intense to the point where one might start to wonder. And if conservative viewers balked, the producers would have the best retort ever: "2 Samuel 1:26, yo. Read it and weep: 'I grieve over you, my brother Jonathan! You were very dear to me. Your love was more special to me than the love of women.'"

I know they introduced a daughter for the King, but I thought that was just setting up a love triangle, to keep things off-balance. But according to TV reviewers who've seen the first four episodes, Jonathan ("Jack") is canonically gay, but David is completely uninterested in him, and in fact they're sort of enemies.

Not that this will stop fandom from bringing the slash! But dammit, I wanted it ON SCREEN.


ETA: Duh. I, too, lose points, for forgetting about Michal. So Michelle is actually canon. And this, kids, is what happens when you read the Bible with slash goggles on. (And here I'm always complaining about other fans who trash or slight the female characters on shows!) Bad feminist, no biscuit.

tv, kings

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