Jan 20, 2009 11:46


At work we had two laptops tapped into two different wireless networks (one of which was our little in-house network), each getting a different feed of the inauguration, and whenever one of them would freeze we would scrabble frantically to hook the projector up to the other one, while turning NPR on so as not to miss anything. We managed to see most of the ceremony up through the swearing-in, but then every news site we tried was frozen. So, go NPR! Low tech saves the day! (I have it recording on the DVR at home, though.)

Obama's speech made me cry at the end.

(Also, I will admit that when the NPR announcer whispered during the quartet, "We're running a little behind schedule, but it's 12:01 and George Bush is officially no longer president," I jumped up and cheered.)


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