(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 13:52

Thanks for all the sympathy! I have to say, once again, that I LOVE ANTIBIOTICS. I still have the woozy feeling of the seriously ill, but my respiratory symptoms have been cut in half from what they were yesterday, after just one dose.

Despite feeling woozy, I did not stay in bed today as I should have. I didn't go in to work, but I ended up running some of the errands that have been piling up during three weeks of respiratory misery. And on the spur of the moment, I voted. It took over half an hour, which is the longest it has ever taken me to vote in the nine years I've lived here. They had three voting machines up and running; there were 20 people in line ahead of me and another 10 lined up behind me as I waited. Most of the voters looked like either retirees or students. One woman said she had tried to vote yesterday, but they only had one machine then and the line was way out the door.

I would encourage anyone who has the option to vote early, to do so. Make the lines on Nov. 4 as short as possible for the less-motivated voters who might get tired and give up. I just talked to someone about scheduling a presentation I'm going to give to her student organization and she floated the 4th as a possible date, and I said no way, because I am sure that people are going to end up waiting in line for hours and having to completely rearrange their schedules.


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