now * there's* an ineffective campaign

Oct 09, 2008 11:24

So I was admiring the pretty, pretty numbers at Five Thirty Eight as I often do, and I happened to look more closely at the map for the Senate races, and I thought, "Why on earth is Illinois colored in? We don't have a seat up for election this year!"

Um, apparently we do. I think Dick Durbin's seat is pretty darn safe, given that we're less than a month away from the election and I have NEVER HEARD OF his opponent. No yard signs. No stickers. No campaign stops in town. No interviews on any of the state/local shows on our NPR station. No news whatsoever about him (or her, I suppose, since all I know now is a last name, but I'm assuming that a female candidate would be newsworthy). I did not know until today that this person existed.


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