(no subject)

May 27, 2008 11:53

Home from Wiscon safely! For values of "safely" equal to "two puking kids, one of whom also has a sprained wrist". Squeaky, of course -- he did a belly flop off the toilet in the hotel bathroom and landed on his arm.

It was great spending time with everyone, both old friends and new, and I quite enjoyed some of the panels. I have thoughts on the Narrative And Politics panel that I may wrestle into some sort of order, though if anyone posts a transcript of Timmi's GoH speech, I'd like to read that first since it covered some ground related to that panel. (I was at the speech, but got an emergency phone call that caused me to miss about five minutes of it.)

My group in the writers' workshop was fantastic, and it sounds like many of the other groups were equally pleased with their experience, so I highly recommend this resource to everyone.

And hey, here's an idea for next year: all of coffeeandink's friends go with her to the dealers room en masse, then she picks a used book dealer and matches up all of the good books with the right readers. Then ideally, the dealer gives her a finder's fee *g*.


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