(no subject)

Dec 16, 2006 10:27

It's completely unfair that we ended up with two non-sleepers. Squeaky's sleep skills are eroding daily, rather than improving. Chuckles is suddenly waking up in the middle of the night again (hm, possibly thanks to the robust cries of Squeaky?) and I spend all day feeling befogged and like I've been beaten with a stick.


The details, for those with an interest in such things:

Every time he falls asleep, he has a gigantic nap jerk 15-30 minutes in. All his limbs convulse and flail around, and he wakes up crying. Of course, 15 minutes is *just* long enough for the parent on call to have gotten involved in some other activity -- like, you've made your lunch and you're just sitting down to eat it. So the temptation is to hang back and see if he can settle himself, which is something he needs to learn to do anyway. And sometimes he does, but mostly he doesn't, and by the time it's clear that he's not going to fall back asleep on his own, he's too awake for parental help to do any good. He'll be up for at least an hour before he can be tricked into falling asleep again. But he'll spend that hour being tired and cranky, and when he finally falls asleep it will happen again, and you're even more tempted to let him try to get back to sleep on his own because you're so sick of dealing with him, only the more tired he gets the harder it is for him to sleep (the single most COUNTER-INTUITIVE AND DAMNABLE THING ABOUT BABIES), so the cycle continues, getting worse each iteration.
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