(no subject)

Nov 22, 2006 22:47

Recent discussions of a particular SGA story stirred up a whole tangle of thoughts about the treatment (and mostly avoidance) of depressing, oppressive topics in fanfic, and there's no way I can untangle them all into a neat essay tonight, but there's an imaginary story that's sort of key to my feelings on the whole thing. The story I long to read goes something like this: The Atlantis expedition gets forced back to Earth for one reason or another -- the SGC can't spare the resources anymore, or they get tired of the endless insubordination and bad decisions, or the SGC militarizes Atlantis and our heroes quit in disgust (scenario borrowed from synecdochic, of course). So they all come back (make up your favorite reason for why Ronon and Teyla don't stay in Pegasus), and they have no idea how to fit into normal life anymore, so John and the whole team end up field coordinators for some NGO like Oxfam or Doctors Without Borders or something (don't you think they'd be good at it?), and they spend the rest of the story resisting violence, poverty, and injustice one small human-sized bit at a time. The end.

Am I the only person who would read this?

fandom, sga, fic

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