I declare: "Friends Only".

Feb 20, 2025 20:15

LOL, OMG, I finally had an excuse to use that banner.

lolicount's journal is friends only. You may comment to be added.

Well, you might never know who's stalking you anyways, so that's why, friends only. AMEN.

Friending Policy:

✭ No dead journals.
✭ We must have a fandom alike.
✭ No random adding, or if you really want to randomly friend me, tell me why and our common interest if any, then I'll consider.
✭ You are tolerant of my frequent abuse of capslock? :D

Credits, comms, posts and shiz.


'my works' comm ✭ descythed
photography comm ✭ snapshotaday
joint comm with deknightedteh_candycane

public posts:
about me(sort of) | reasons for moving | why 'lolicount'?

journal layout ✭ milou_veronica
profile layout ✭ ailequen
user pics ✭ riotanthem | ailequen | heygraphics

it's ok, I don't bite. feel free to add. :D

!friends+only, !public

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