Aug 23, 2008 01:37
It's been a very long week. On Wednesday, I got a rejection letter from the only job I had a chance at getting anytime soon. So I spent my remaining six hours at work crying. (Thank god I work at night, alone in the building.) I spent basically the next several hours trying to figure out what, exactly, I should do next. I can't stay at my current job and keep any semblance of sanity much longer.
Then I got home and actually read the offending letter. (My mom had called, and wanted to open it, because she knew what it might be.) And I thought...technically, I did interview with two separate entities. (That are in the same building and do the same thing, anyway.) The letter had only the signature of the first interview. (The one I thought didn't go as well.) So maybe, just maybe, The other one wants to hire me. I would have to be rejected by one to be hired by the other one, right?
But the next day, I got a call! The very nice lady said they definitely want to hire me. They were very happy with my interview. I nearly screamed I was so happy.
The catch, it's a "tentative" offer. Pending the approval of the California budget, and whether or not it gets written into the budget. I imagine it will though, as it's not a job you could exactly just axe without bad, bad results. So, I still wait. I was told one or two weeks. That they had sent someone to Sacramento to plead specifically to get approval to hire without the budget being passed. But, the lady truly sounded excited. Like really excited. Yay!
Teeny-tiny timeline:
February - Found flyer for job at job fair. Mailed application for job.
May 10th - Job Test
Late June - Test Results Received
Late June - Received Interest Letter From Job
July 9th + 11th - Interviews
July 24th - Invited to "shadow" a person who already does that job
August 20th - Rejection letter
August 21st - Happy Phone Call.