Today, I passed another test in the long process of being hired with the postal service. Yay. I suppose.
Then, I come to work, and *a person* who is a direct relative of the owner, tells me I can't park in the spot I have been parking in the ENTIRE 8 months I've been working here. Seriously, WTF? Not only that, his car wasn't in his spot, it was in the owner's spot. I work at night, no one is going to miss that damn parking spot. I was told to park there because it is safer because I work alone and it's closer to the building. I can't believe that guy. It's not like I was in his damn spot. It was a spot that's not for anyone in particular. He told me I need to park where "the other employees park." He can bite my shiny metal butt.
Then, my supervisor was there, and proceeded to tell me in as many different ways as possible that I should be in the control room the entire shift. Yes, I should stay in my windowless, chilly, noisy hell for 8 hours every day. That's exactly what I'll do. No one else sits in there for the entire shift. You'd loose your mind doing that. They really do expect me to watch every-single-infomercial, every day. And she always tells you things in as many different ways as she can. Why? Once is more than enough. I'm about one more snide comment from putting in my resignation. I did not go to college for five years to be told where to park.
Oh, and I was also told I need to wear closed-toe shoes. That's not in the handbook. And I've been wearing flip-flops every day since I started. I feel no need to stop now. Bite. Me.
I also have an interview tomorrow with the USDA, good lord, I need that job so bad. I don't even really care what they make me do at this point. I just want out. I think I'm giving my two weeks notice tomorrow, even if I don't get it. I'm losing my mind.
Dear job-God,
Please please please please please make the interview go well tomorrow. I want to have a good job with normal daytime hours, and more than $10 an hour. I'll even work outdoors if I can have a hat.