Nov 10, 2011 21:34
If I HAVE to sell G.L.P, and our stores brand SINN fashion, I will. But I will make it look good. Business is definitely picking up, for example we made our target number today (we like $50.00, higher is nice too so then we get paid!) and a bunch of people came down to our dwellings.
K and I trekked to Richmond to get 'Janet', our bust form. At Eddies Hanger store or what ever it would have been $180 for the entire set, but we found the exact same one, a little used for $80.00 on craigslist. Hooray!
Saturday and Sunday we're going to pull in some hopefully mad cash through the tattoo parlour (3 appointments), and then on Sunday I have a meeting with the boss and his wife. If I can get paid that would be lovely, but I'm more concerned about K right now. I don't mind working for .../free/.. until the store picks up, but it would be nice to see K get some compensation.
We have a couple brand dresses in the store (baby, ap, meta and we have some bl and HMHM) so as soon as we can get a couple more nice pieces I'd like to pitch my store to our local community.
I'd like to turn our room of shame into this nice loungey area, set up a hookah pipe, couple nice vintage arm chairs, mood rug. We have these nice vintage teak and glass display cases that I'll put in there and stick some stock on them.
This entire fiasco has set my horse buying goal back a couple months, but I shan't lose hope. I wish I hadn't heard about Oo Jia, and that other replica brand, because they are seducing my buying part of my brain. Make it stop! I'd rather support brand anyways, whats wrong with me D:
the store