My jacket has sleeves, beautiful glorious sleeves. I know the left one doesn't hang slightly forward, but the other one does and at this point I just need to move on. I'm such a turd, I totally disregarded the fact that the lining needed matching thread so I have to re-do all the seams.
this is my palette :o
I can't believe how long it took me to PARTIALLY render my designs, and some of them I just half assed since I'm not going to be using them anyways. 7 hours. Holly my baby Jesus.
I want to make all the pieces I really like (14 looks, pretty good considering I did 15) plus an additional 16 casual looks and maybe show them as a coherent collection at Vancouver Fashion Week. I don't think it would be that hard to apply etc, since I kid in my class has already shown once and was offered to show again this year :x. His stuff was pretty cool for every day wear.
I'm off to my barn, where hopefully they wont lump me in with youngins like last week ( although I was pretty beat from the Tam lesson I had earlier that week so maybe I shouldn't be complaining...)