
Jul 26, 2008 01:40

No spoilers in this post.

I got back from the theater about an hour ago. It was... Well, I'm not exactly impressed. It's a good movie, but it's not a good "continuation of The X-Files" movie. Scully and Mulder didn't even have to be there. You could have shoved anyone into those roles and it wouldn't have mattered. Very much my opinion, though. It was nice to see Mulder and Scully again. Mulder made me smile because he was Mulder. :) Oh! And, and! Okay, I lied: Skinner! Skinner was there! It was awesome. I didn't think he'd show up, but then he did! I had no idea he was going to be in it. *squee* I only wish they could have fit Krycek in there somewhere... Also, Amanda Peet cannot act. I was appalled. Just, cringe-worthy.

Well, I think that's all I have on that now. I may post about Dr. Horrible's Sing-A- Long Blog later. I've been wanting to. Instead, I have an icon. GOGGLES! :D

ETA: Spoilers in comments.
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