Happy 19th Birthday Yabu Kouta!
I had immense inner conflict on whether I should write you your birthday wishes on my RL blog, considering how Hikaru and Chinen both have a post over there - but I realize that I did create this journal for a reason (mainly to avoid RL friends hissing and spitting at my love for fandom, and yes that includes you), so here we are.
I admit - when I first saw you I instantly thought: I will never, ever like this boy. It was a particularly unglamorous photo after all, and you did look particularly ferrety. And odd. And generally guh. But as many, many JE boys do (and trust me, I know), you grew on me. It just happened one day, when I saw you do something or other in a video and I thought that okay, you're not that bad after all. And you aren't. In fact, you're awesome; to the point that I do feel a little guilty that I dissed you so bad at first. My apologies!
Well, I can't say much since I didn't watch you grow up from Ya-ya-yah, nor do I know much about your trials and tribulations through the course of terror and awe that is JE, but I have to say that I'm pretty glad that you were around in Jump so that I could get to know you, and see you working and being dorky or leader-like or hilarious or orgasmic or just the way you are. i can't tell you not to change; s'not like you'll read this, comprehend it and stay the way you are, but I trust that you will. Both change and stay the same, in some way or another. That's how you'll remain awesome, like a constant. I look forward to it. (:
I'll stop here before I bore anyone else. Thank you for being one half of my OTP, thank you for being fail and amazing, and thank you. Cause you're you, and that in itself is like whoa already.
Otanjoubi Omedetou. <3
p/s. I think I probably refused to like you at first because you looked like my math teacher. who is a woman. OH YABU.
p/p/s. this is for the fangirls: I wanted to write fic but I failed? I have a snippet in my phone, I swear! With luck I'll write something by, uh. soon.