I've just been slightly reprimanded for abandoning LJ so uh, here I am. BACK. To use my words to express the processes of my life and brain! Oh and I'm still doing those daily comics, even 26 days on from my 100th strip. Read them here:
you can see where "here" is via this most convienient link.
Well, what's been happening since 26 days ago? Despite recording some of my activities for all posterity each day, I kind of don't know.
I did some grown-up things like flat-hunting! Flat-hunting is hard. They cost a stupid amount and there's a lot of competition. We went to one showing and there were three other groups of people at the same showing D: I felt like I should go "Is this DAMP on this wall?" and "I think someone strung up a few HUMAN CORPSES in the next garden along" at everything to scare them off. Also I was really stupid and turned up 24 hours early for this showing and no one was there and I didn't have a phone because mine's broken so I had some payphone drama and basically, Gosh I was stupid. Anyways I won't go into all the details of what's happening with flats, but the next step all depends on external things, so I can't really do anything until some stuff is sorted out a bit.
Um what else.
I failed to complete much *cough* any *cough* reading for my course which is starting up again in less than a month... You wanna know why? Because all the books they've set SUCK! Yes they do. Except 'Maus' and I'd read that already. 'Mrs Dalloway'? Sucked (oh wait I did read that). 'Turn of the Screw'? Sucks (and gave me nightmares for some reason even though all I'd read up to was "This guy was looking at me in the grounds and oh what's this THAT GUY HAS BEEN DEAD FOR 3 MONTHS?!11! I guess this was written before that was a common horror trope"). I'm not actually looking forward to University very much, especially not if I live at home, for various reasons :B and because lately I haven't enjoyed ANY book as strongly as I used to enjoy reading them, and I think studying literature full-time is the reason for that. It totally killed all the joy I used to have in reading - although I now appreciate great prose and poetry even more than I used to, I can't settle to read it properly. Not only is this sad for myself, but it's not a good indicator for how well I'll do on my Entirely Literature-Based Course. But hopefully I'll like it better than I did last year. Aaaand freak out less, that would be really nice.
I've been reading some Sherlock Holmes stories though, and those are a bit better :D Although sometimes I just had to roll my eyes. Sherlock is sort of a Mary-Sue character sometimes. "Oh yes well, I haven't been quite on top of UK issues lately - I had to help the Pope so I was busy, haha, man it got really crazy for a while there". No really; he really says this, albeit in a less paraphrased way. Also I recieved the 'Sherlock' DVD I pre-ordered on Amazon three days before it's available to purchase in the UK, soooo... That was weird but also cool?
What am I even saying? I'm just typing this to satisfy someone who says that Twitter and a Daily Comic are NOT FORMING A DETAILED ENOUGH RECORD OF MY LIFE (for when future generations wish to idolise and imitate me) so I don't know.
I got a Twitter! I was sort of scared to start following a few celebrities in case they deigned to notice me, but obvs they didn't. I'm glad about this. (Especially Steven Moffat, I've already called him "The Mofferator" 15 Tweets in).
'Scott Pilgrim' is REALLY REALLY GOOD (maybe even better than 'Toy Story 3' - LE GASP) but when I saw it there was a REALLY REALLY LAME GUY sitting in our row who did annoying things like recieve AND ANSWER phone calls in the final scenes and play his own music from his phone at several points in the movie. What with all the slicing and punching and kicking and flying on-screen I kind of wanted to karate chop his throat and then flip him over the rail he was sitting behind. Man, that would've been so good. Plus I need experience points. I, too, wish to gain the power of Self-respect and get some kickass powers.
I am excited for 'Doctor Who' and annoyed that it will be split in half so I have to wait the whole summer for the season finale and final episodes >8I I mean suspense can be cool and stuff, but usually waiting a WEEK for a cliffhanger resolution leaves me sort of dead inside, let alone a WHOLE SUMMER. It's gonna be a test of my will to live. hahaha jk.
Well I blogged with my words and now you see why I don't do this more often. Maybe next time I'll write something more meaningful. (Translation: I'm never going to write anything more meaningful).
Oh one last thing! Drawing (well) is HARD. Who would've thought it would be so hard?