So, I've been having trouble getting the appropriate teen pairings to meet! I thought I had it--that is, at one moment at the end of my time frame for playing, I saw three blonde figures approaching the Lupin-Black household to welcome them. I just assumed it was Draco with his parents, of course. But no, it was not. It was indeed Narcissa and Lucius, but the other person with them?
Morgan Edge.
Very. Not. Draco.
So, what ensues? What should be Harry/Draco meeting sweetness is....
Creepy. Very, very creepy.
Morgan and Harry
Morgan likes to watch.
And watch.
And just generally be creepy
Narcissa is definitely creeped out.
And actually, someone said something--I missed it, but I think it was Morgan, and this was the result
Lucius is not the most comforting husband.
However, he can be rather affectionate. As in the following episode.
Now, for some pretty pics
Harry napping. Awww.
and then, the obligatory bathtub pics
an icon of Harry in the bathtub
Remus so pretty in the bubbles
Sirius just as pretty in the bubbles
And thus ends the strangeness and eyecandy.