(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 20:17

YO! this entry was meant to turn up yesterday, but i tell you this - IT TURNED UP ON SUNDAY INSTEAD!!! so i'm laying it down now , i hope you enjoy ( basically i was unsure if you had seen it or not, sorry if you just simply found it hideously boring )

this entry's a bit of a monster, but it contains the last 2 and half months, so hopefully itll feature some remotly interesting things.

most of this was written on sunday :
good afternoon!
as being swamped by coursework i havnt been bothered to update for bloomin ages.
half term was a whirl of town trips, making a rap songs, getting pretty munted and throwing up!

also pheobe came down which was bllomin nice to see her again after many months, i cant rmebre what we did but it was probably on the lines of mosieing around town, then got pizza on the beachand talekd for quite a whioe befoer hitting up the pier. it was a really nice day, and after i ended up being the happiest ive been in ages!

theb ruby's party was top notch! ( but im sure most were theere on here to expericance it / made entrys a bout it
i threw up in a plastic bag on the bus later - whaey!

last weekend was a ball, with macs on friday which consisted of sirens, strobe lights and jumoing around to anthems, then the were the GO team ehich was great, it was nice to see some people, and the go team are awlays wonderful to see, despite finding that some people are more than happy to ignore you when theyre with older 'cooler' people, and also finding that people avoid you when they're worrying about gettign into clubs, it was a trmendous eveing, finished it off by having a nicecuppa whislt watching motley cru live at adams.

the next day was Johnny Truant, Architects , The ghost of a thousand and centurion
centurion were bloomin great, and i was impressed with ghost of a thouand as ive neber sene them lvie before, and architects were vbllomin good as well, it was wierd seeing them with people knowiung lyrics and with a full pit, as the last time isawthem was at punk rocks with about 4 people watching. it was afun night as i hadnt been to a metal gig for ages had a good pit and 'rocking out'

tuesday went to se the rakes for free at virgin , it was pretty wicked & was well worth the money, adn they played a full set whci hwas abonus,

THIS weekend started with rosies and then me and kim decided to go to kittys, we were welcomes by 2 people dressed as a phallus twice the size of me, it was all good except i got way to drunk, and then these 2 guys kept on being pointlessly rude to me, called Jed and his friend ( in year 12 ) and just telling me get away from them and to fuck off, and when i asked why they said because they hated / were disgusted by the way i looked and dressed? and possinly with a homophobic comment thrown in, i think they were pricks to joey as well. they were such pricks

saturday , after throwing up till 3, sam and mint ycame roudn for a band pracsitise and we made costumes, and then off to robs where 'the tom porteous rock inferno' played a gig. we pretty much managed to lower the opeple in the room from aobut 30 to 6. yes. but i was fun jumpuign/ rolling around
in our costumes, and later the cartell played, it was a fun night! even though i can imagen people who wernt performign could of foudn it terrible. except praise the lord for adam hornsby as he was the only one who seemd to find it from our point of view and found it hilarious.

Maisie took this

and rosa took :

and why not chuck in picture of what we looked like playing in year 8 aye..

and also i got into varndean collage with all my subjects

also im on the gueslist for the buzzcocks tommorow, shouldbe fun!
also life seems to be getting incredibly, maybe its just the constant work, also i hope a girl pops up soon
deepest apoligies for the length of this.
i do hope everyone all well
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