Hello friends. I'm applying to be a breastfeeding mentor to new moms through an LJ community. Part of the application process is to keep a public entry on my breastfeeding story in my livejournal. So I'm linking to my story in this entry. It is a VERY long story, so don't bother reading it unless this is something you are really curious about
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I can so relate to this quote: "I would have given birth once a day at this point just to make the breastfeeding situation better." And a million other things you wrote.
I almost had to laugh at the part where the one LC couldn't believe how resistant Carter was to nursing w/all the back arching and stuff. I know it was not at all funny then, but it is somehow amusing to me now how our HN babies can astound even those who have seen hundreds of different babies on an every day basis.
I have to wonder if all this stubbornness our two children display has only a little to do with how hard-headed we both are. I mean, obvs we have to be stubborn to a point of insanity to have put up with all of this pain (physical, emotional, psychological, etc.) in order to get what we want (a BFing relationship). I think this trait is almost always an asset as an adult, but man it sure does make some havoc-wreaking babies. haha
I was in tears reading this because of how much I can relate to it, and also just because I am so happy to *know* someone like you. You really are amazing!
Also, this story even more made me want to become an LC one day just in order to not be a rude one like those you encountered!
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