Oh you know the one:
Pick up the nearest book to you.
Turn to page 45.
The first sentence describes your sex life in 2012.
Psychoanalytic theory would appear to be dependent upon the activation of scenarios with visual, auditory, and narrative dimensions.
Well, that sounds promising. I'll have to try it out as soon as I get over this horrible cold that I caught at the AHA.
(In case you were wondering, that sentence is from Mary Anne Doane, Femmes Fatales: Feminism, Film Theory, Psychoanalysis which I had pulled out of the bookshelf because of a train of thought that began with the introduction to Joan Scott's newish book, Fantasies of Feminist History, though the train didn't get very far, as it turned out. But I remain intrigued by the Scott book and especially feel curious about what
tournevis, and
ancarett would make of it.)