So, here's my version of that meme that's going around based on the NPR listeners' list of favorite SF/F books. It's a dumb list for several reasons, such as failure to include many books I like, inclusion of many books I don't like one bit, overemphasis on dead white male authors of questionable politics and prose style, and inconsistency in
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Comments 9
18. +The Kingkiller Chronicles, by Patrick Rothfuss
Haven't read these but they've been getting good reviews from lots of people I really respect (like Jo Walton). And when did something similar recently (for the most recent decade) the first book came in...somewhere near the top...not on the strength of a fan base showing up one day and putting in lots of votes, which happened to e.g. Brandon Sanderson, but just a slow and steady accumulation of votes, so it might be worth checking out? I plan to...sometime...
30. *The Sandman Series, by Neil Gaiman
...there's a movie version of this??
59. The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold Do you plan on reading them sometime? *g* They're space opera but so much incredible fun, and Miles (the main character) is pretty awesome. Also, they started off as Star Trek fanfic and turned into something amazing, so there's that! (The planet the main ( ... )
I actually tried about five pages of the Vorkosigan books once, standing up in a bookstore, and just bounced right off of them. People whose judgement I trust love them, some of my favorite writers write fic for them, but ... yeah, I just couldn't. Maybe I'll try again sometime. If you were going to read just one from the series, which would it be?
I'll put the Rothfuss on the bottom of the read-eventually pile, then, shall I?
And that's funny about the Dispossessed - probably true! It suits me as a historian, too, because it's so smart about how social and political structures do and don't shape individual lives, and how individuals do and don't create and change social and political structures. Which is unusual in novels...
Also: This is a very strange list. Perhaps later I'll do the meme, but I don't have time now.
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