If you know the Buffy story at all, and you know the Beatles's music at all, but you've never seen "Scooby Road"? then you have to
go here right now. luminosity made a Buffy vid for the entirety of Abbey Road, and it's just astonishingly good - very much in the spirit of the music and the Buffyverse. It brilliantly avoids the most obvious shots from BtVS - we don't see Buffy diving off the tower, for instance, and there's just a frame or two of Joyce lying on the couch - while making excellent use of the themes in the music (listen for the return of "you never give me your money.")
I guess anyone who pays attention at all to vids has known about this for years, but if you're (like me) not someone who pays attention to vids very much, you need to see this anyway, so go.