My computer -- the laptop that is -- remains dead or at any rate well past pining for the fjords. It couldn't go into the shop this weekend because the shop is not open on the weekends, and it can't go in tomorrow as I will have to be on campus from 8:30 in the morning until 10:30 at night.
Tomorrow, that is to say, will be a high-energy day. This is a pity as I will have no energy because I have another goddamn cold, the third in three months. What the hell? Is this just a normal part of aging, that one day you have a functional immune system and the next day you do not? I was always a strong and healthy person, physically anyway, and all my ailments were always joint and muscle troubles from too much exercise of the wrong varieties. Now I get colds all the time! and not just mild colds either. This one has me running the opposite of a fever. Seriously, at one point this afternoon my temperature was 96.9. Another possibility, more bracingly, is that I am already dead and just cooling off slowly. Or perhaps I became a vampire at some point and it just slipped my mind? (This is possible. It's been a very busy couple of months.) I'd enjoy that, I think. Grr. Argghh.
On a cheerier note,
here's a link to video of William Shatner singing Rocket Man, with a cigarette.
And the cheeriest of all notes: It's the birthday of the Two-Toed Sloth! Happy birthday,
twotoedsloth, you excellent mammal you!