Taste is totally subjective and I realize that mine is strange. So, that said, here are my favorite movies, one for each year I've been alive. Enjoy, or be horrified. Which ever.
Idea stolen from
1979 - The Muppet Movie
1980 - Empire Strikes Back (runner up the Shining)
1981 - Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982 - The Thing
1983 - Return of the Jedi
1984 - Ghostbusters
1985 - Back to the Future
1986 - Aliens
1987 - The Princess Bride (tough year b/c a ton of awesome movies came out like, Barfly, Predator, Robocop and Broadcast News)
1988 - Akira
1989 - Batman
1990 - Total Recall (though La Femme Nikita and Edward Sissorhands were both very close seconds)
1991 - Silence of the Lambs
1992 - Reservoir Dogs
1993 - Jurassic Park
1994 - Shawshank Redemption
1995 - Usual Suspects
1996 - Independence Day
1997 - L.A. Confidential
1998 - Out of Sight
1999 - The Matrix (another really had year to pick b/c Toy Story 2, Fight Club, Being John Malcovich, and Boys Don't Cry)
2000 - O' Brother Where Art Thou?
2001 - Amelie (but it just about tied with Shrek)
2002 - 28 Days Later
2003 - Pirates: Curse of the Black Pearl
2004 - Shaun of the Dead
2005 - Batman Begins
2006 - Children of Men
2007 - Juno
2008 - Iron Man
2009 - Star Trek
2010 - Toy Story 3