Jan 10, 2008 21:36
I used the eliptical machine and I love it! It's like running but without the knee pain! Incredible!
Update on weight loss= -5 lbs. Pretty cool!
We had a tornado alarm at work today because apparently a twister touched down in Franklin Tennessee... for those of you who would know this, Franklin is where Cool Springs Mall is located.
Sales people are known for being cocky. Sales people are known for being egotistical. But a little known fact; just something I've observed by assimilating myself into the environment of the "sales person"-- they also have absolutely no perception of personal space. Sales people, as a general statement, will get as close as possible to you and when you try to move East, West, North or South to avoid their hot nasty cigarette breath on your neck... they will stalk you like prey. This I have observed, and learned to deal with. The standard abject legs as far apart as possible stance seems to help. As does the hands on hips resulting in elbows thrown position. But there is no sight, insofar as I've seen, on this earth quite like 3000 SALES people stuffed into a miniscule hallway. OH the things I heard. But that, I will spare you.
Sometimes it's easy to forget I work in sales because of the few good people I surround myself with at work. But when I'm faced with the reality of my career in all of it's blazingly depressing glory-- I falter in confidance. This is definitely not what I need to do with my life. I can't become the bitter old lady who stays in sales because it pays the middle America mortgage, it pays the middle America car note and it pays the middle America load of unneeded and UNHEEDED credit card debt.
I am far too creative to continue in this line of work. But what to do? Ahhhhhhhhh... grasshopper. That is the million dollar question.
I'm 25. There's plenty of time to figure it out. And I, in my stubbornness to note commit to REAL new year's resolutions, resolve to have a fucking blast figuring out where I do belong.
Until the day of true self fulfillment comes I'm going to continue to make unabashed fun of the path I'm currently on. You have to do what you have to do to do what you want to do. And you're only as good as what you're good for. *bam*