Jun 21, 2010 23:56
Today Skylar and I went to see an apartment in Bushwick. It was really nice. I mean, it would have been nicer if it wasn't a basement apartment, but in NYC a big 2 bedroom apartment in a good neighborhood for $1250 is like seeing a unicorn. In fact, I think I saw a lesbian unicorn today. Thats how much I liked it. You open the front door and there are two doors on your right which are the doors to the bedrooms. The two bedrooms are pretty big, but the only downside is that I wish there were more windows! I NEED SUNLIGHT. But, I'll deal. If I want sunlight, I'll go outside :-P
Then past the two doors the hallway opens up into a big space with an eat-in kitchen. It's nice. Honestly, I'll take this apartment so that I can possibly move up to one of the top floors haha. Hopefully Skylar will stay in the city for college then we can room together.
Before we went to the apartment, we went to see Lindsey. Lindsey and I wanna room together, however I'm having second thoughts about that. I love her to death, but I just don't think she is at a very stable point in her life where she can shell out the rent money every month, on time. It was really nice. I can really see myself living there. Hopefully it works out.
Still no word from LUSH. But I was on craigslist job hunting, and I saw that they posted another ad in the "Help Wanted" section whatever. Like, I don't know what that means. I'M PERFECT FOR THE JOB IDIOTS! STOP SEARCHING AND HIRE ME ALREADY!
God. People are retarded.
Except Daisy. She's perfect