Yo shit's wig, son.

Jan 16, 2007 10:19

The semester has officially started even though I don't have class today, my online class isn't even set up yet. RETARDED. I start my second job today. It's gonna be awesome. I'll be a barista at our local Flagstaff Route 66 Starbuck's. Jes Jes. (Schmeghann.)

So about my break. It's been a rollercoaster of fun. At first I was kind of skeptic about staying here all break but it was awesome. The first week was nothing but work. Literally. I got like 7 hours of overtime one week. Then I went down to yuma/somerton, got to hang out with Ah-mee and Meghann. Cockroach meghann, cockroach. lol. We had so much fun. My entire family was together and that went great. Surprisingly. I think because I don't live there anymore I've learned to appreciate all of them and for that I'm extremely grateful. I had to leave the day after Christmas to start a 9 day working marathon. Intense. That's the only word I have for that. I hit overtime that week too.

New Year's Eve. Got my first New Year's kiss from a guy name Jordan. Tall red headed white guy. That night was hilarious. Got a little drunk. hahaha, trying to find a bathroom downtown when there is ALOT of people out on the streets watching the pinecone drop was too funny. I was up til 6 in the morning then we all went to breakfast at Country Host at 10. So much fun.

The rest of break I spent drinking at Steph's house. A lot of fun. hahaha watching the Lion King and drinking beers is hilarious.

On another note, my shoulder has been killing me. It's gotten to the point of me not being able to move my right arm. IT HURTS. I'm gonna get some hardcore medicine and take lots of it. lol. I've been thinking that if it continues another week I'm gonna go to the ER. BUT. I don't have insurance and I'm still paying for the last time I went so I'm trying to hold out on it in hopes that it will stop hurting. Everytime I move it I feel like someone is stabbing my shoulder. Ist nicht gut.

BREAK IS OVER. SEMESTER 4 COMMENCES. The fourth of many more...
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