Fuckface and the gay armada

Jul 09, 2019 15:17

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Maybe you think I forgot about you.  I didn't.  I don't really forget much, though I compartmentalize, which is probably what really causes dementia.

I miss my Benny.  He's been on vacation and I'm trying to not be sad, but a solid week without Benny has been rough.  He brings sunshine to my days and though he told me he was going to text me a picture of him in american flag shorts, he never did.

My new boss is cool.  I feel like things are finally going to turn around here.  The dark cloud of doom has lifted; though I don't feel that I completely have a handle on what I'm selling just yet.  When your product falls apart, it's hard to sell it.

I don't know that I mentioned this but everyone I used to work with except for a few have moved on.  It really left me with serious abandonment issues.  Deep, dark, sludgy shit that crept up from the depths of my psyche.  I have had 3 months of the worst days...like every day is worse than the day before it.  Like in Office Space.

I've had a couple recruiters chatting me up but I really don't know that I want to continue on the "care" front of eldercare.  I'd rather deal with the money.  It's nice to be wanted though.

And just like that, Benny appears and makes my day. :)
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