I got tagged...

Jan 09, 2009 13:10

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.

1.  When I was a kid I wasn't scared of monsters, or the boogie man or whatever... I was scared of serial killers.  I used to imagine what would happen if they broke into my house, and I'd think of things I could say to them to talk them out of killing me.

2.  I've had stitches once, when I was six.  I slammed my finger in a door.  I still have the scar.  (See #11)

3.  For some reason I have completely memorized every single episode of Seinfeld.  (This might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but I can watch an episode I haven't seen in five years and quote along with it.)

4.  I have an almost patented technique for catching bats using a towel and a box.  (So I'm not really scared of bats, but they freak me out because of the way they dart around when they fly.  If you don't know where they're going next, they could be coming straight for your face!)

5.  I love ketchup!  I have been known to eat it plain, or by itself on bread.  Both my husband, and my former roommate, Talli, have been surprised at how often we've had to buy ketchup.  Mmmmm...

6.  I have this annoying hayfever reaction to certain foods.  My mouth burns after I eat bananas, (fresh) tomatoes, and pineapple.  (But it hasn't stopped me from eating these things.)

7.  When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Betty.

8.  My computer is named after Brad Delp.

9.  I grew up in Amish country.  There was a hitching post outside our Wal-Mart.

10.  I have broken into, and then been kicked out of Stonehenge.

11.  I'm really clumsy.  I find random bruises on myself all the time.  I'm always falling down, or dropping things, or bumping into things, or accidentally clawing my husband's ear off.

12.  I once had a dream that was so scary I refused to continue it.  In the dream, I was running from some people that owned a torture club, like in the movie Hostel.  I knew they were going to catch me and there was nothing I could do.  So I simply stopped running, and made myself wake up so it wouldn't happen.

13.  I love writing poetry, but I can never seem to get the motivation to do it.  That kinda makes me sad.

14.  I believe there is a special place in hell for people who wear skinny jeans, Uggs, and/or Crocs.

15.  My favorite movie is Beetlejuice.  I realized this after watching it eight times in seven days and not getting remotely sick of it.

16.  I have 225 Elton John songs in my iTunes.

So yeah... there ya go.  I don't even think I have 16 people on my friend's list, so I'm just gonna tag everyone... Except Talli, cuz she already did it.  
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