HP/DM: All Mine

Dec 10, 2010 14:00

Title: All Mine
Summary: Draco suspects Harry of cheating on him.
Prompts: eggnog, bells, Christmas shopping
Author: lolafalola
Word Count: ~ 2230
Rating: PG
Author’s Note: Part angst, part fluff…it must be Christmas! Written for hd_seasons’s 25 Wishes Holiday Challenge. Unbetaed-- All mistakes are my own.

It was during the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, when the celesta played those high-pitched metallic notes that reminded him of the wizarding world, that Draco realized Harry was having an affair.

It was the only thing that made sense… all the late nights working on cases, the way Harry seemed distracted when they went Christmas shopping, and the excuses to run off to the Burrow instead of spending evenings with Draco. Even before their arrival to the Royal Opera House to watch The Nutcracker, something they had done every Christmas, Harry seemed on edge and nervous.

As soon as the houselights came up for intermission, Harry had excused himself go to the loo, but failed to return when the bell rang and the lights flickered to indicate the second act. They were almost to the Arab Dance when he finally slipped into their box seats. He gave Draco a quick squeeze of the hand and looked a bit flush, muttering apologizes about the line. That’s when Draco began putting the pieces together.

It all made sense now, he was nothing but a cuckold boyfriend and Harry, His Harry, was nothing more than adulterer.

Draco’s whole body seemed to sag from the weight of the revelation. He felt as if a troll walked up and reached into his chest pulling out his beating heart and squeezed all the life out of it right in front of him. He wanted to pull away and fall apart somewhere alone. He could feel his heartbeat increasing as his body shook as if he were cold. If someone could clearly see him they would think he was ill. Thankfully the auditorium was dark.

Harry was holding his hand, something they always did when they went to the theater. He started to pull away and needed to go home. Not their home, the place they had lived for the past year, but to Malfoy Manor. He needed to think about what to do. If Harry was truly fucking around he needed to decide if he should cut his losses and run or seek revenge and kill the other bastard.

When he pulled his hand away, Harry held on harder. His unfaithful boyfriend turned to look at him; a mixture of concern and love reflected in those emerald eyes.

“Draco, is everything ok?” Harry asked. He squeezed Draco’s hand again.

Draco couldn’t believe it! How could Harry look at him with such concern and love? How could he sit there holding Draco’s hand when he had been sleeping with who knows whom? Draco felt despair being replaced with outrage. A fire began burning in his gut and he realized that when this was over, he was going to confront Harry directly and kick the bastard out of the house. Harry had some nerve cheating on Draco after being together for two years!

“I’ll be alright,” Draco murmured, trying his damnedest to hold back a sneer. After all, he had been raised not to make a scene in public.

For now, he needed to gather his resources and bide his time, though he desperately wanted to punch the two-timing bastard in the nose. Let his lover take care of the damage.

Harry grinned and turned back towards the ballet. Draco watched as Harry leaned to watch the performers dance. He always seemed like a child watching it for the first time. That use to make Draco’s heart swell with love, but now it hardened in anger.

For Draco, it was no use trying to watch the performance. They had come the previous two years like a tradition. The first time was one of their early courting times. When Harry asked him out all flushed and shy. He still remembered the moment those beautiful eyes lit up behind the thick black frames when he said yes. He almost smiled at the memory of that. Almost.

Then last year, they came to the ballet to celebrate moving in together. They had just finished unloading all their things into the new town home when Mrs. Weasley came by bringing them nothing short of a feast to celebrate their new home. She was at their house, that December helping them to arrange things almost as much as they were. She even showed Harry how to make homemade eggnog to celebrate for their next Christmas.

He remembered how he had laughed last week when Harry tried to repeat the recipe only to have things go terribly wrong. The memory made his stomach cramp. Now he wished a troll would come and rip out his heart only to take the pain away.

It was the unexpected roar of the audience that shook him out of his brooding. He was so lost in his ever-darkening thoughts that he had forgotten about the ballet and the theater. He looked over the balcony and watching the cast taking their bows. The conductor down in the orchestra pits was bowing as well. He looked to see Harry standing next to him as he gave an enthusiastic applause. He decided to stand as well, lest he draw attention and made a half-hearted attempt to bring his hands together a few times.

Harry turned to look at him; his face was bright and shining with love. Draco made it a point to memorize this moment-every detail, the way the light reflected off his eyes and the sheer beauty of Harry’s smile. Would it be the last time Harry looked at him like that?

“Let’s go downstairs and get a drink before we head home?” Harry said as he reached down to retrieve his coat. Draco had worked his way through so many emotions in the last hour that he just wanted to feel numb.

“Whatever you want Harry,” he mumbled pulling his overcoat over his forearm as he held his gloves in the other hand. It made his hands look busy and kept Harry from trying to touch them again. That was the last thing Draco wanted.

With a few jostles and a bit of maneuvering, Harry managed to procure for them a bottle of champagne, two glasses, and a small table off to the side in the Floral hall. Most of the people were leaving for the night, but a few were still there having a drink or a small meal before heading home.

“Are we celebrating something?” Draco asked as he took the champagne bottle from Harry’s hand. His right eyebrow rose in amazement as he read the label. It was one of his favorites-an expensive and rare bottle. At least Harry was able to remember Draco once in a while.

“Well, I hope so,” Harry said. He held out his hand to take the bottle from Draco, but Draco noticed that his hands were shaking.

Does he feel guilty for betraying me? Draco wondered. That thought alone brought the anger he had felt early to surge up again. He didn’t know if he could handle being out with Harry another minute longer knowing what he knew.

“Let me ask you a question-”

“Draco, I have something I need to ask you,” Harry said at the same time Draco spoke.

Draco could feel his insides begin to burn like bright orange, liquid steel. It poured down his throat like a bad tasting medicine and he felt as if he couldn’t properly speak. The rage wanted to boil out of his mouth. With a jerky motion, he gestured for Harry to go first. He took a big breath and released it as he looked up at the glass ceiling arching over them. The night’s blackness made the outside world seem cold and dangerous. Perhaps it was.

When Harry began to speak, Draco reluctantly turned back to look at him.

“This is the third year we’ve come to see The Nutcracker. The first year was one of our first dates. Remember?

“I felt so nervous, being here with all these posh-types, but you wrapped your arm in mine and told me to follow your lead. You showed me more about how to be graceful in one night than all the failed attempts from Hermione and other well-intentioned women. I felt safe with you there to guide me, to care for me.

“Then last year, we came out to celebrate our moving in together. We had been spending so much time at each other’s flats that it seemed the only reasonable thing to do. I knew you were somebody special, and I realized then that you truly loved me and you trusted me. I can still see the look on your face when you suggested we move in together and how happy you were when I said yes.” Harry eyes had a far away look, but then he shook his head to continue.

Draco had to keep from scoffing when Harry said the word trust. How could he say a thing at a time like this?

Without seeing Draco’s reaction, Harry continued blathering on.

“Then, about a couple of months ago, I realized something.

“All of it: the guiding, the caring, the trust, and even the love weren’t enough. I realized I wanted something more.”

For one horrible moment, Draco thought that Harry was going to break up with him right here in the Royal Opera House in front of countless strangers. He wanted to run away, but Harry grabbed his left hand as he began to kneel down on the ground.

“It’s not enough, Draco. I want that and so much more….”

For the first time that evening, Draco felt lost and confused. The room became unnaturally quiet all around them. Harry was on the floor shaking like a leaf. He looked so scared as if someone had left him all alone in the dark, like when he was a child. Draco looked at him trying to put it together as Harry had one knee down and on the other leg he was propped on his foot. The image reminded him of a man about to-

“Draco Lucius Malfoy, will you do me the honor of marrying me and being my husband?” From his coat pocket, Harry pulled out a velvet-covered box and opened it towards Draco. In it were two magnificent matching rings.

He stood there in shocking silence for so long that he could actually see the twinkle leave Harry’s eyes. There were slight murmurings around him, and Draco watched as Harry turned the box around to face him. It was the motion that brought Draco out of his trance.

“I’m sorry if they’re not what you expected. I had the hardest time trying to find the perfect set. I even asked Hermione and Mrs. Weasley for help. You can’t imagine how many hours I spent during lunch hours and after work trying to find the perfect set and then having them enchanted…” Harry was rambling, not being able to look up at Draco. It seemed as if he were talking more to the rings now.

“I got so nervous about tonight…”


“…that I made myself sick at the intermission….”


“I’m sorry, Draco. Maybe this was a mistake-“

“HARRY!” Draco had to shout to be heard and he flushed as some of the people around them laughed. It appeared that there would be more than one performance tonight.

Harry’s head jerked up to face Draco.

A trail of shiny, wet tears ran down from Harry’s eyes. Without thinking, Draco pulled his hand out of Harry’s and wiped one away. As if he were consoling a small child, Draco gently caressed Harry’s face trying to soothe him. A face he could spend an eternity looking at.

“Sometimes I wonder Harry if your arrogance knows no bounds. In a matter of moments, you’ve gone off and already made a decision without even waiting for my opinion. That’s something we’ll have to work on together, isn’t it?

“But for now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to put in my two knu- my two bits.

“As to your question, my answer is yes. I would be more than happy to spend the rest of my life as your husband.”

The room burst forth with applause greater than Draco remembered from earlier in the evening. He laughed as he watched Harry’s face change from confusion, to shock, to surprise, and finally to joy. Harry jumped up from the floor like a jack out of his box and wrapped warm, strong arms around Draco nearly knocking them both over. Words of love sprung out of his mouth like a babbling brook.

“I can’t believe that you’re all mine,” he laughed into Draco’s hair over and over again. A few people tried to come up and congratulate them, but Harry was oblivious to everyone else in the hall. Some of them gave Draco a pat on the back and muttered words of praise before moving on.

Under normal circumstances, Draco would have been embarrassed with such an elaborate show of public affection, but he didn’t care.

All mine.

The phrase floated in Draco’s head and in his heart like a bright red ribbon tail dancing at the end of a kite on a cloudless May day. The clouds of his heart were clearing with each muttering of that beautiful phrase. It rang true into his soul.

Harry was all his.

challenge response, drarry, h/d, christmas

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