Title: Snarry Present
Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 930
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling and her minions own all things Harry Potter. I make no money from this paltry piece of Potterotica.
Summary: Snape, Harry, Potions class, and a bit of smut.
A/N: For my good friend, beta, and all around amazing person. Happy Birthday, Sweetie. I’ve never written a Snarry before, so I hope you like it.
“Mister Potter, what is your excuse this time for the disturbance in my class? It seems that every time I think you have reached rock bottom in the proverbial pit of ignorance, you surprise me by pulling out a shovel and beginning to dig,” Professor Snape said, as he looked down at one of his worst students.
This particular glare by the potions professor would have caused fear and trepidation in any other student, Longbottom in particular would have soiled himself by now, but with Potter, it only caused a look of utter loathing and disdain. The glare he received back from the student caused him to restrain his right hand from wanting to strike the pupil across the face. As he imagined the hurt look with the red, harsh mark across the soft cheek, Severus couldn’t help but smirk as his imagination began to unfold.
His emotions for the Potter brat lingered somewhere between contempt and lust. The chasm between the two made him uneasy whenever he had to directly deal with the child and he tried his best to only address Potter either in the classroom setting or when directly ordered to by the Headmaster. He had no problem showing his feelings for how he felt Potter was beneath him, but he feared he might inadvertently expose his feelings of lust. Today, though, was proving to be an especially difficult one.
Potter had come into the room, shamelessly swaggering and displaying himself every time Severus thought he was being watched. He flirted with almost everyone around him, especially some of the other boys, and made no effort to be decent or behave properly. The boy even had the indecency to sit away from his table, staring directly at Severus during his lecture, with his legs spread wide and occasionally rubbing the outside of his groin with this fingers whenever Severus turned to address the class away from the drawing board. The final straw had been when Severus had gone around the room reviewing their latest potion assignment.
As Severus approached the Potter/Granger cauldron, he saw Potter whisper something to the vile girl. Her eyes got wide, but she nodded, looked at Severus quickly, and then made the excuse that she needed to go to the bathroom before she walked out of the classroom. Severus approached suspiciously as he wondered what was said and began to bend over to see how their potion was progressing when he felt what could only be a body behind him. He could feel hands placed, gently on his hips as he felt Potter brazenly lean over him. His growing erection was beginning to nudge itself between Severus ass cheeks.
“What do you think? I think it would work and be beneficial to everyone involved,” Potter said, his voice soft and breathy against Severus’s ear. Severus stood up, looked quickly around the room and noticed heads turning back toward their own cauldrons. He was furious with Potter for making such brazen sexual advances to him in a class full of students. How dare he!
Before Potter knew what hit him, Severus took a quick step back, knocking Potter off his feet, and falling hard onto the floor. He pulled out his wand and caused all the contents in the cauldron to disappear. He then turned, and looked down at the misguided youth.
“Mister Potter, you and Ms. Granger will receive a zero for today’s work and I want to see you directly after class,” Severus said as he whisked to the front of the class and sat down abruptly. He pulled out some parchment to be sorted, ignoring the rest of the class, and willing his erection to die down.
When the bell for the class finally rang, the rest of the students picked up their books, quills, and parchments, and headed out of the room in silence. After the last errant child wandered out, Severus looked up to see Potter standing a few feet away from him, looking at him like the petulant child that he was.
As he began to launch into his diatribe, he was surprised to find that he was cut off by Potter’s own harsher voice.
“Look, Professor, I don’t like you and I know you don’t like me, but there is something about you that gets my cock harder than fuck every time you’re around. I’m also not as much of an idiot as you think I am. I happen to know that you have a hard time hiding your erection whenever I’m around as well. Surely we can work something out between us that would be satisfactory? Maybe we could discuss it sometime after term is out. What do you think?”
Severus stared at the boy and couldn’t believe his brazenness. It showed a complete lack of disrespect for both his position and for all that he had done to keep the child alive. He pushed himself away from his desk, but just sat there, eyes squinting, staring at the boy to see if he was sincere or not. Finally, he put his fingertips together, leaned back in his chair and watched the boy begin to squirm. It wouldn’t do to show that he was eager in anyway.
“Mister Potter, unless your mouth is wrapped around my cock right now, it needs to be closed, because I don't care what else you have to say to me.”
“With pleasure,” Potter said, a slow smile forming on his lips, as he dropped to his knees in from of the other man and began to unbutton the professor’s trousers.